Water Hammer

Water Hammer Fix - O’Shea Plumbing

We Are Highly Experienced at Determining What is Causing Water Hammer on Your Property

We have highly developed and proven methods for fixing water hammer issues

It is a common assumption that a banging or vibration sound from water pipes is normal. After all, pipes do make noises, especially as they get older. Unfortunately, banging or vibrating pipes could be a sign there is a serious plumbing problem occurring, this is known as water hammer.

At O’Shea Plumbing, we have the water hammer fix you are searching for!

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What is Water Hammer?

Pipes are designed to allow water or other liquids to flow uninterrupted. When this occurs, you will hear a rushing water sound that is smooth and steady. Unfortunately, when that water flow is interrupted – typically due to shutting off the water suddenly – it can create a loud banging, thumping noise or in rare cases vibrations that shake the entire household! This banging, thumping, and shaking of the pipes is known as water hammer. 

What You Should Know About Water Hammer

Why Does Water Hammer Occur?

Water hammer occurs when water travels through the pipes in a home at an uneven speed. In some situations, it can be caused when the water makes a sudden change in direction. When one of these two things occurs in the pipes, it creates an uneven flow of water, which results in the banging, thumping, or vibrations associated with water hammer. Household plumbing contains air chambers that help absorb the shockwave that is created when this happens, reducing the severity of the pressure impact and preventing the hammering. The air chambers can become waterlogged over time, which is where you will need the services of a plumbing professional.

It’s Just Noise – Isn’t It?

Homeowners are often quick to assume that water hammer just causes loud noises that can be frustrating and annoying. What homeowners don’t realise is that noise isn’t the only thing going on with their pipes.

If left untreated, it could cause extensive damage to the pipes and structure of the home.

Pipes, especially old, rusted or corroded pipes, can burst due to the presence of hammering. The burst happens because the sudden changes in water flow cause the pipes to weaken and eventually break. Burst pipes can be extremely costly to fix, which is why it is better and most cost-effective to treat the water hammer than leave it untreated.

Burst pipes aren’t the only problem homeowners have to worry about. Structural damage can occur as a result of water hammer. All the banging and vibrations caused by the hammering can result in movement of the pipes. If the pipes move too much, it could cause holes or cracks to form in the walls of a home.

Is there a DIY Water Hammer Fix?

While there are many DIY solutions that offer suggestions on how to fix water hammer, it is best to let an experienced professional plumber from O’Shea Plumbing handle the situation. An experienced plumbing professional will ensure all the correct steps are taken to find a water hammer fix and that any costly mistakes are avoided.

O’Shea Plumbing Can Help Fix Water Hammer

One of our experienced plumbers will come to your home and help you with your hammering problem. Our plumbers will first make sure the knocking, vibrating pipes are caused by water hammer and not another plumbing problem.

Once it has been determined that water hammer is the cause of the noisy pipes, our plumbers will work to ensure they find the best water hammer fix for your home. First, we will determine where and why the hammering is occurring and then take the necessary steps to fix it.

Call O’Shea Plumbing today to schedule an appointment with a non-emergency or emergency plumber in Melbourne to fix your water hammer problem.

No more banging or thumping pipes – O’Shea Plumbing have the water hammer fix you are looking for!

Water Hammer FAQ's

Water hammer, which is the banging or vibrating noise that can occur in plumbing systems, can be stopped by installing water hammer arrestors. These devices absorb the shock caused by sudden changes in water pressure and prevent the pipes from vibrating. Water hammer arrestors can be installed at individual fixtures or at the main water supply. It’s important to turn off the water supply before installing the arrestor and to follow manufacturer instructions carefully. If the problem persists or if you’re unsure about installation, it’s recommended to consult with a licensed plumber.

Water hammer can be fixed by installing water hammer arrestors, which are devices that absorb the shock caused by sudden changes in water pressure and prevent pipes from vibrating. Arrestors can be installed at individual fixtures or at the main water supply. It’s important to turn off the water supply before installing the arrestor and to follow manufacturer instructions carefully. If the problem persists or if you’re unsure about installation, it’s recommended to consult with a licensed plumber. Other solutions for fixing water hammer include adjusting water pressure, replacing faulty taps or appliances or better clipping on existing pipework.

Water hammer is caused by sudden changes in water pressure that create shock waves in plumbing systems. This can be caused by several factors, including the quick closing of valves, incorrectly sized or installed piping, and the use of certain types of taps or appliances. When water flow is suddenly stopped or redirected, the pressure wave can cause pipes to vibrate and create the banging or vibrating noise commonly associated with water hammer.

Water hammer is a banging or vibrating noise that can occur in plumbing systems when water flow is suddenly stopped or redirected, causing a pressure wave that travels through the pipes. This can be caused by several factors, including the quick closing of valves, incorrectly sized or installed piping, and the use of certain types of taps or appliances. Water hammer can cause damage to plumbing systems over time and should be addressed promptly to prevent further issues. Installing water hammer arrestors or adjusting water pressure can help mitigate the effects of water hammer.

While water hammer itself is not dangerous, it can cause damage to plumbing systems over time if not addressed. The banging or vibrating noise can indicate that pressure waves are being created in the pipes, which can cause pipes to vibrate and potentially become damaged and eventually cause leaks.. In addition, the constant banging noise can be disruptive and cause annoyance or stress. It’s important to address water hammer promptly to prevent further damage to plumbing systems and maintain household comfort.

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